Rivika - My grand daughter and best friend

 Rivika - My grand daughter and best friend

On this very day 11th September ten years back two things happened,

1) The tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the twin towers in the US and 

2) The birth of my Grand daughter Rivika, The second child of my son Anand and Mallika.

Both the events are unforgettable in my life ,On the day of the 9/11 attack, I was in Bath UK on a visit to my son in UK and heard the news on the TV at a relation's house.

On the day of Rivika's birth I was in Mumbai and on hearing the news , i booked my tickets to visit my son's in laws in Ghaziabad, U P to visit the latest arrival.

I immediately posted on my Facebook page the following lines.

 "Off to Ghaziabad to meet the latest addition in the family!!      My grand daughter"

Needless to say I was very excited and was keen to see and hold this bundle of joy in my hands.

We did travel and attended the naming ceremony in Ghaziabad.

I next met her on her first birthday when I was again on a visit to UK to be with my sons for my customary family visits.

Though she could hardly mouth a few words on her own, we both shared a camaraderie which was very good. She loved sitting on my laps and hear stories narrated by me with rapt attention.

I was back once again on her third birthday. By now she had started running around and talking dime a dozen!!!

We are both born in September, she on 11th and me on 13th. Hence our birthdays normally fall in the same week. We end up celebrating it together whenever I travel to UK which normally is once in two years.

I have been wit her on the first, third and seventh birthdays. On her first birthday I carried her in my arms and we took a photo together. The same we repeated on her 5th and seventh birthdays. Now that she is ten years old and I am ten years older nearing my eightieth birthday I am not sure I will be able to carry her any more!!

I am sharing below some of our moments together and I can assure you I enjoyed every moment.

She is growing up as a beautiful young lady. She is a good singer undergoing lessons in Carnatic music, Western classical violin etc. She is also an up and coming artiste taking after her parents both Anand and Mallika being artists. Of late after reading my blogs she has expressed her desire to learn blogging and blog. I have started teaching her blogging and have nicknamed her  "Blogger".

I am waiting for her to start blogging on her own.

I share below some of the photos I have clicked together.

I pray to GOD almighty to give her a long and happy and healthy life by dedicating this blog to her on her birthday today.



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