My Experiences with Panchakarma Ayurveda Treatments II

My Experiences with Panchakarma Ayurveda Treatments II

A Lot of effort has been taken to gather the information in the following details of treatments of Panchakarma. I have done a lot of research on the web as also discussions with the therapists who administered the procedures to me. The Senior doctors and the Post Graduate interns at the hospital also played a major role in trusting me to part with the information I asked for. I hereby recors the invaluable support from all who have helped me in this endeavour.

The treatments when I started to write seem to be going on and on which might make the blog too long to read and grasp in a single sitting. I having taken an opinion poll have decided to split the blog into two parts for easier reading. This effort will be incomplete without my going on record to thank my wonderful readers and followers  of my blogs who are the inspiration behind the whole project and have been egging  me on to write more and more.

When I started to pen this series, I never realised the enormity of the task. I realised it only when I completed it. Once again I go on record to thank everyone.

Nothing in this blog is original. It has completely been sourced from the web. Only the language and style of writing is my own. I hope by acknowledging this I will not get into any copywrite issues.

Happy reading!!!

Ayurveda Over five thousand years ago the ancient Rishis of India developed a health and healing system known as Ayurveda. The word Ayurveda means "the science of life" and is about living in harmony with nature.

What is Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is one of the most well-known parts about Ayurveda. It is a five-step, total mind-body rejuvenation experience that comprises of herbal oil massages, steam baths, cleansing enemas, a healing kitchadi diet and other purifying practices.

Having established where to take the treatment as we have seen earlier we landed up at The Government Panchakarma Ayurveda Hospital, Poojapura Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

We both got admitted on September 14, morning and promptly underwent a detailed blood report to study our blood, Thyroid, cholestrol levels.

After a detailed examination by Dr T K Sujan, The HOD of the Hospital & Ayurveda College the following treatments were prescribed for both as per our requirements. While some treatments were common others were specific to the need of the individual's ailment. The common treatments are marked in blue while the individual treatments for me are marked in green and for Bhagirathi, my wife in Lilac, It is relevant to mention that my treatment was based on the rejuvenation for a patient recovering from Bell's Palsy - partial paralysis of the facial nerves and eye on the left side, my wife was admitted for osteo arthritis and muscle spasms leading to formation of nodules in the muscles, hardening of the muscles and pain in the joints.


This was done everyday to both of us before the other treatments and it was very relaxing.


Abhyanga: The Ayurvedic Daily Massage

A Pleasant Prescription for Mind/Body Health

How can a ritual so luxuriously relaxing, so blissfully comforting as a full-body warm oil massage, rev up your body and mind, gearing them up for peak performance? 

There is an explanation for the seeming contradiction. Accumulated stress and toxins in the mind and body dissolve during the daily massage. A daily full-body warm oil massage therefore acts as a powerful recharger and rejuvenator of mind and body.

 — the ayurvedic oil massage — is an integral part of the daily routine recommended by this healing system for overall health and well-being. Traditional ayurvedic texts wax eloquent on the benefits. Here's what one says — "Give yourself a full-body oil massage on a daily basis. It is nourishing; pacifies the doshas; relieves fatigue; provides stamina, pleasure and perfect sleep; enhances the complexion and the luster of the skin; promotes longevity; and nourishes all parts of the body."

Here are some of the benefits traditionally associated with regular performance of this pleasant daily ritual:

Increased circulation, especially to nerve endings
Toning of the muscles and the whole physiology
Calming for the nerves
Lubrication of the joints
Increased mental alertness
Improved elimination of impurities from the body
Softer, smoother skin
Increased levels of stamina through the day
Better, deeper sleep at night

Abhyanga provides the means for transdermal absorption of the healing qualities of the material used in the massage, and it helps the skin, which is the largest organ in the body, perform its diverse functions efficiently, whether it is allowing toxins to be released from the body or nourishment to be absorbed by the tissues. It is like oiling the engine of your car — if you do it regularly, your engine will be in peak condition, and give you years and years of trouble-free performance.

The ayurvedic massage is traditionally performed in the morning, before your bath or shower, to facilitate the release of toxins that may have accumulated during the previous night. You can use cured sesame oil, an herbalized massage oil, or an aroma massage oil. 

If you choose sesame oil, look for cold-pressed, chemical-free organic sesame oil for the best results from your massage therapy. Sesame oil contains antioxidant properties, and is helpful in protecting the skin from free radical damage. It is considered highly nourishing for the physiology. To "cure" or purify the sesame oil, heat the oil to 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove from heat once this temperature is reached, cool and store for use as needed.

Herbalized massage oils contain a blend of carefully chosen herbs known for their ability to strengthen the physiology and balance the mind. So the daily massage with an herbalized massage oil has twice the beneficial power — the benefits from the performance of the actual massage and the added healing wisdom of the herbs.

For special needs, ayurvedic vaidyas formulate even more targeted massage oils. For example, the Youthful Skin Massage Oils for Men and Women are especially helpful for improving the quality of your sleep if massaged onto the lower arms, hands, lower legs and feet before bed. If you use these oils for abhyanga, you can cut them with 50 percent of an appropriate base oil.

So how is the ayurvedic abhyanga done? Use comfortably warm massage oil. (Store your massage oil in a plastic flip-top and warm it by holding the container under running hot water for a few minutes.) Dip your fingertips into the warm oil and apply it lightly to the entire body. Wait for 4-5 minutes to let some of the oil be absorbed by your skin. Then massage the entire body, applying even pressure with the whole hand — palm and fingers.

Apply light pressure on sensitive areas such as the abdomen or the heart. Use more oil and spend more time where nerve endings are concentrated, such as the soles of the feet, palms of the hands and along the base of the fingernails. Circular motions over rounded areas such as your head or joints, and straight strokes on straight areas such as your arms and legs, work best.

After you're done, relax for 10-15 minutes, letting the oil and the massage do their magic. The longer the oil is on, the deeper it penetrates. During this time you can read something relaxing or uplifting and rest; or shave, cut nails, and get ready for the day. Dab excess oil off with paper towels if you like, then follow with a relaxing warm bath or shower. If your schedule doesn't allow for a daily massage, try to squeeze it in at least three or four times a week. You'll find it's worth it!

Podi Kizhi Rooksha Pinda swedam

Podi Kizhi

As the term implies Choorna that is herbal powder as used in this treatment procedure. Herbs are cleaned, dried and powdered prior to the treatment. These are then tied in to a KIzhi (bolus) using suitable cloth. Medicated oil is applied over the body as per the individual conditions or as advised by the physician. The herbal powder bolus is heated and applied over the body or affected area in soft punches. 

The bolus is heated intermittently during the course of the treatment. It is beneficial in treating arthritis, bursitis, paralysis and muscular pain. It removes the toxins from the circulating system, clearing the channels, imparting blood circulation. It is beneficial in inflammations of spinal muscles and found to effective in certain low back aches, cervical spondilites and frozen shoulder. Kolakulathadi choornam, Kottomchukkadi choornam etc are some of the medicines use for choornakizhi. The duration of the treatment may vary from 30 to 45 minutes according to the condition of the individuals. This treatment is done in a course,that is for three, five, seven , 14 days etc.

Choorna Swedam (Podikizhi) is one of the most relaxing and refreshing massages that you can enjoy. Podikizhi is very good for relieving spasms and stiffness of muscles, lubrication the joints, strengthening the spinal muscles and relieving joint pain. Choorna Swedam (Podikizhi) is one of the parts of Panchakarma in Ayurveda. Choorna Swedam (Podikizhi) is the first step in Ayurveda treatment. 

Podikizhi treatment is done with or without oil, depending on the conditions of the individual or as advised by the physician. This treatment is good for Arthritis, rheumatic fever etc.

The main benefits of Choorna Swedam (Podikizhi) are inflammations of spinal muscles and found to effective in certain low back aches, cervical spondylites and frozen shoulder, Arthritis, rheumatic fever etc.

This was done for three days 45 minutes a day and was the first treatment for both of us.

Ksheera doomam

Ksheera Dhoomam is a very effective and a popular Ayurveda treatment in which herbal medicines and cow’s milk are mixed, heated and applied as steam with the help of a tube. The steam coming out of the tube is applied to the whole body or the affected part of the patient’s body. During this treatment, therapists ensure that the patient’s skin does not get burnt. The process is continued for about 45 minutes.


It has been found very effective in treating the following conditions:

Stress and anxiety
Facial paralysis disorders
Speech disorders
Cervical spondylitis
Spastic disorders
Nervous disorder

This treatment was done for both of us 5 days for 45 minutes each day.

Njavara Kizhi

Njavarakizhi is also known as shashtikashali pinda swedam. Njavara in Malayalam stands for the rice(Shashtika Shali in Sanskrit) that grows in 60 days ;  Kizhi (Pinda in Sanskrit) stands for bolus.  Njavara is indigenous variety of rice grown in Kerala,  having medicinal properties. It is a unique treatment procedure practiced by Kerala Ayurveda physicians (Vaidyas). It is a procedure by which the whole body or any specific part  is made to perspire , by the application of certain medicinal drugs with Njavara rice puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag.


A generous amount of medicated oil is applied over the head and body. Then the body is massaged with warm muslin bag bolus containing njavara rice puddings cooked in the herbal decoction. The boluses are dipped in the mixture of warm milk and herbal decoctions when they cool down thus inducing sudation. The procedure is done in seven different postures.  At the end of the procedure , the rice paste sticking over the body is removed using coconut leaves. A  gentle massage is given with warm medicated oil once again. The person is made to rest for 30 minutes.

Duration of the treatment: 90 minutes.

  • Makes the body supple and removes stiffness
  • Calms the mind and reduces the stress
  • Promotes sound sleep
  • Boosts immune system and slows  the aging process
  • Enhances body nourishment and rejuvenates
  • Improves lustre and texture of the skin
  • Sharpens the sense organs
  • Pacifies Vata Dosha
  • Strengthens and nourishes the nervous system
The procedure is found effective in:
  • Blood borne diseases
  • Spasticity
  • Reduced mobility
  • Rigidity
  • Low back ache
  • Sciatica
  • Scoliosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Perthe’s  disease
  • Cervical myelopathy
  • Hemiplegia
  • Arthritis
  • The conditions involving muscle dystrophy and emaciation

This treatment was done for both of us 5 days for 60 minutes each day.


Sudhi Suresh said…
Nice and informative blog

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