
Showing posts from October, 2019

Hindu Rituals 20 & 21

Hindu Rituals 20 & 21 20. Why do we offer a coconut at the temples, functions etc.? A coconut is homologous to the individual. According to Hinduism an individual consists of 3 bodies (śarīras) sthūla śarīra  — gross physical body represented by the external husk of the coconut sūkṣma śarīra  — subtle or astral body consisting of the mind, emotions etc. represented by the white kernel kāraṇa śarīra  — causal body consisting of the seeds of subliminal latent impressions (saṁskāras) the cause of rebirth represented by the water inside. The three eyes on the top in the coconut represent the 2 physical eyes and the third eye of wisdom (jñāna cakṣuḥ). Coconuts are broken for two reasons:- The breaking of the coconut as an act of sacrifice - self-sacrifice for the welfare of all beings. We hope and pray that we may use this human birth to benefit others and for the service of all beings (sarva-bhūta-hita). As a sacrifice to the elementals (bhūtas) for

My Experiences with Panchakarma Ayurveda Treatments III

  My Experiences with Panchakarma Ayurveda Treatments III A Lot of effort has been taken to gather the information in the following details of treatments of Panchakarma. I have done a lot of research on the web as also discussions with the therapists who administered the procedures to me. The Senior doctors and the Post Graduate interns at the hospital also played a major role in trusting me to part with the information I asked for. I hereby recors the invaluable support from all who have helped me in this endeavour. The treatments when I started to write seem to be going on and on which might make the blog too long to read and grasp in a single sitting. I having taken an opinion poll have decided to split the blog into two parts for easier reading. This effort will be incomplete without my going on record to thank my wonderful readers and followers  of my blogs who are the inspiration behind the whole project and have been egging  me on to write more and more. When

My Experiences with Panchakarma Ayurveda Treatments II

My Experiences with Panchakarma Ayurveda Treatments II A Lot of effort has been taken to gather the information in the following details of treatments of Panchakarma. I have done a lot of research on the web as also discussions with the therapists who administered the procedures to me. The Senior doctors and the Post Graduate interns at the hospital also played a major role in trusting me to part with the information I asked for. I hereby recors the invaluable support from all who have helped me in this endeavour. The treatments when I started to write seem to be going on and on which might make the blog too long to read and grasp in a single sitting. I having taken an opinion poll have decided to split the blog into two parts for easier reading. This effort will be incomplete without my going on record to thank my wonderful readers and followers  of my blogs who are the inspiration behind the whole project and have been egging  me on to write more and more. When I start