Hindu Rituals 7 & 8

Today I am combining two rituals as Ritual number 7 is quite short.

7. To touch another person with the feet is considered an act of misdemeanor. Why is this so?

Man is regarded as the most beautiful, living breathing temple of the Lord! Therefore touching another with the feet is akin to disrespecting the divinity within him or her. This calls for an immediate apology, which is offered with reverence and humility.

We have  seen earlier that touching books, paper etc. is considered as unholy and we immediately touch them by hand and touch our eyes as a gesture of apology.

Now, people are placed on the higher level than books and papers since they have life. We should respect them and by mistake, if our foot touches somebody, we should apologize immediately as it considered to be an act of disrespect.

Similar examples we can see when we enter into a Temple, Gurudwara, Mosque or a Church. We place our shoes outside these holy places. This so because we considered these places as scared and give respect to them by going bare footed into such places.

8. Why do we apply the holy ash?
Bhasma(holy ash)
The ash of any burnt object is not regarded as holy ash. Bhasma (the holy ash) is the ash from the homa (sacrificial fire) where special wood along with ghee and other herbs is offered as worship of the Lord. Or the deity is worshipped by pouring ash as abhisheka and is then distributed as bhasma.

Bhasma is generally applied on the forehead. Some apply it on certain parts of the body like the upper arms, chest etc. Some ascetics rub it all over the body. Many consume a pinch of it each time they receive it.
The word bhasma means, "that by which our sins are destroyed and the Lord is remembered.” Bha implied bhartsanam ("to destroy") and sma implies smaranam ("to remember"). The application of bhasma therefore signifies destruction of the evil and remembrance of the divine. Bhasma is called vibhuti (which means "glory") as it gives glory to one who applies it and raksha (which means a source of protection) as it protects the wearer from ill health and evil, by purifying him or her.

Homa (offering of oblations into the fire with sacred chants) signifies the offering or surrender of the ego and egocentric desires into the flame of knowledge or a noble and selfless cause. The consequent ash signifies the purity of the mind, which results from such actions.

Also the fire of knowledge burns the oblation and wood signifying ignorance and inertia respectively. The ash we apply indicates that we should burn false identification with the body and become free of the limitations of birth and death. This is not to be misconstrued as a morose reminder of death but as a powerful pointer towards the fact that time and tide wait for none.
Bhasma Applied

Bhasma is specially associated with Lord Shiva who applies it all over His body. Shiva devotes apply bhasma as a tripundra. When applied with a red spot at the center, the mark symbolizes Shiva-Shakti (the unity of energy and matter that creates the entire seen and unseen universe).

Tryambakam yajaamahe
Sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvaa rukamiva bhandhanaan
Mrytyor muksheeyamaa amrutaat

"We worship the three-eyed Lord Shiva who nourishes and spread fragrance in our lives. May He free us from the shackles of sorrow, change and death – effortlessly, like the fall of a ripe brinjal from its stem."

Vibhuti, Bhasma, Thiruneer, or Holy Ash when applied to the forehead and the body is believed to destroy the sins and revere the Lord. It is obtained from a sacrificial fire by burning together herbs, cow dung, milk, ghee, and honey. It is a sacred act performed while worshipping Lord Shiva.
Why is Lord Shiva covered in Holy Ash?
One day Sage Bhrigu was cutting grass, suddenly he cut his finger. At that point, he noticed instead of blood; a sap-like liquid started oozing out of his finger. Instantly, the Sage became happy and was filled with pride and ego. Lord Shiva saw this and decided to teach Sage Bhrigu a lesson.
Lord Shiva disguised as an old man and approached the Sage. Lord asked him why he was so happy. To this Sage, Bhrigu replied arrogantly that because of his hard work, the blood in his body turned into a sap-like liquid like the one found in a sacred tree. Lord Shiva, who was dressed as the old man, asked what was so great about it, because once burnt we all turn into ashes. After saying this, Lord Shiva cut his finger and ash started flowing out of His body.
Sage Bhrigu immediately realized that God himself came to teach him a lesson.
Since that day, Bhasma is associated with Lord Shiva. The ash is applied to keep a check on the ego and negative thoughts. Lord Shivas devotees apply Bhasma as a Tripundra. When used with a red spot at the center, the mark symbolizes Shiva-Shakti, i.e., the unity of energy and matter that creates the entire seen and unseen universe. 


Ashnfire said…
Very beautiful insight of the Sacred Ash significance. Will forever remember the lesson learnt today with all my heart . Om Namah Shivaaya

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