Time pass


Am I Getting Addicted to this blogging thing? That is the thought which is foremost in my mind as I start scribbling(kirukking to borrow a favourite term) another blog in the series of many more to come.(now that I am a confirmed "Blog Addict")

This one started in response to the comment on my earlier blog "When is the next one coming?". I have a funny feeling that I am being spurred on to this thing by a group of people who are egging me to write more and more blogs so that they can read the same and pass on their comments. I wonder whether they are in turn getting addicted to writing comments on other's blogs. The culprit again being my nephew who got me into this thing in the first place.

Anyway having begun this I should carry on unmindful of whether I am being egged on or I am getting addicted. This is really getting to be a "HABIT" now.

I must tell you something about HABIT. ( I am sure many of you who read this must be knowing this but I insist on repeating this for the benefit of those who do not know)

HABIT is a funny thing. It is very difficult to get rid off. I will prove this (Prove Karoon kya?)

Remove H from HABIT and A BIT remains
Now remove A and BIT remains
Now remove B and IT still remains.

See how difficult HABIT is to get rid off!!

With that I sign off and look forward to receiving comments from those who are addicted to read other peoples blogs and comment on them.

I think I am now getting addicted to one more thing. Waiting for comments on my Blogs !!!

Isn't that Funny!!

See Ya guys


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