Random Thoughts

Recently one of my nephews told me that he has started blogging and asked me to read his blog. This set me thinking. What am i doing when the whole world is blogging? I told myself

"Venkat what is wrong with you why are you still not blogging? this whiff of a kid your nephew who was born just about 2 decades back has the audacity to tell you to look up his blog and you have still not even begun to blog? This is too much. In fact it is three/four much. I will not tolerate this. I want you to start blogging right away. I dont care if it ( what you write) does not make any sense but you must blog."

And so here I go.

Once I started to write (not put pen to paper but my fingers to the keyboard) I realised that I did not have anything to write(home) about. This Blogspot.com thing got me to sign up and create my own blog. It asked for a title. So up I came up with the tiltle "Random Thoughts". Then I started thinking randomly about what I will write and what you read is what I wrote (WYRIWIW) Ha Ha ha .

As I started writing I realised that blogging is so easy. All I have to do is pick up my fingers and start typing on the key board. Only thing I should remember is to keep my thoughts running. I am sure I am not doing badly for a beginner writing his first blg? What do you think? Do I have a fututre as a blogger? The best there ever was? Please do get back to me with you comments.
See you next time after reading you comments.



SRK said…
Good start, Mama!!! and, to think that I'm the person that will be held guilty if the world doesn't like your blog, well, all I can say is that you have saved my reputation ;))

I think you will have thousands, nay, millions of things to write about... after all, you do have a three and half decade headstart ;)

take care and keep blogging
SRK said…
When is the next post comin?
Anonymous said…
This is cool. I did my search on blogspot and found your page APPA. :) Its a good start
Bharadwaj said…
why have u stopped blogging?

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