
Showing posts from May, 2017

Aavani (Fifth Month) The Festivals in Aavani - Part II

Aavani (Fifth Month) The Festivals in Aavani - Part II Ganesh Chaturthi  Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated on the 4th day of the bright half of Bhadrapad. This festival marks the birthday of Lord Ganesh. Lord Ganesha or Ganpati is one of the most popular deities in the Hindu religion worshiped by both Shaivites and Vaishnavites. Even Buddhists and Jains have faith for Ganpati. He is considered to be an avatar of both Shiva and Vishnu. On the occasion of the Ganpati festival, a large number of idols are made of clay or metal in all possible sizes; sometimes even up to twenty feet. People buy idols of Lord Ganesha and install them in their houses and worship the idol for one to ten days, after which the idols are taken out ceremoniously, through the streets of the town (especially in Maharashtra) and immersed into the river, sea or well. A cultural feast is held to coincide with Ganesh Chaturthi in Maharashtra especially at Pune. Classical dance, music performances, poetr

Aavani ( Fifth Month) - The Festivals in Aavani

Aavani (Fifth Month)  The Festivals in Aavani - Part I Aavani is the start of festival season in South India. Many more festivals follow in Aippasi, Karthikai, Markazhi, Thai etc. The Important  festivals in Aavani are Avani Avittam (Yajur Upkarma) Gayatri Japam Krishna Janmashtami Aavani Moolam Onam Rishi Panchami etc. The list being long I intend to split this in to two parts. I am making it as descriptive as possible but trying my  best not to cause boredom reading it. I am a bit disappointed since I have received very little by way of feedback except for a couple of ardent followers whose encouragement keeps me going. Happy Reading. I request more and more readers to voice their opinion and suggest improvements if they have with my writing style. Avani Avittam Avani Avittam is an important ritual associated with the Brahmin community in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The day is of great significance to Yajur Vedi Brahmins. Avani Avittam 2017 date is August