
Showing posts from April, 2009

A star is born

A Star Is Born Before any of you read this I have to make certain things clear to you. I have tried to write this as if written by a critic.I am not a professional critic so I have liberally borrowed the descriptions of the various dances from the invitation card printed for the occasion and hereby acknowledge as the source of such descriptions. Maybe you can be a critic of my writing and pass comments on how good/bad my writing is. NOW here goes: I recently had the good fortune to witness the Bharat Natyam "Arangetram" of my brother-in-law Gopal's daughter Shraddha. "Arangam" in Tamil means elevated Stage. "Etram" means ascending. So "Arangetram" means ascending(climbing) the stage. Making the "debut" in stage performances before the public. I know that Shraddha has been learning the art with great gusto for the last six seven years and has been performing at various places. I have been hearing rave reports about he